The state of our youth athletes is not good. Coaches and parents are a gigantic part of the solution. This book gives you 3 main principles to influence your athlete to restore passion, ignite confidence, and build successful leaders.
Sports anxiety never used to be a thing.
Perfectionism never used to cripple student-athletes at the rate it does today.
Burnout is at an all-time-high and climbing.
Fear of disappointing coaches, parents, and teammates is causing athletes to play it safe.
Injuries have gone up 500% in the last decade.
The amount of young men and women losing passion and quitting college athletics is staggering.
The Youth Truth
All of these things are happening whether we like it or not and we can make a difference. Everything rises and falls on leadership. The two most powerful words in the life of a 21st century adolescent are the words, "Coach says."
I wrote this book for one purpose- to transform youth sports by helping parents and coaches focus on the root. In the book we shine a gigantic spotlight on the brutal realities we are facing today.
It is about time we shift our attention and conversations towards the biggest problems kids face today and identify real, impactful solutions that work!
Get The Youth Truth + Free Mental Game Vault
Part 1: The State of Our Youth- Confront, Stop Ignoring, the Brutal Facts of Reality
Part 2: Love Powered Leadership Principles. Start at the heart and you will unlock their potential.
Part 3: Mindset Performance- mindset matters most. Habits follow thoughts. Understand the way your child thinks, how they are motivated, and the best mental game exercises to help them change.
Part 4: Practical Lessons and Exercises. I give away my top 30 lessons I teach in 1 on 1 consulting sessions that parents and kids pay $200 an hour for.
More than 10 Years and 30 Done-for-You Mental Game Trainings, Videos, and Exercises for Athletes.
The Vault Is Normally $197.00 but it is Yours FREE When You Buy the Book for just $19.95.
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BOTH PARENTS AND COACHES: Mental Game Mastery Vault ($197)
Sports anxiety never used to be a thing.
Perfectionism never used to cripple student-athletes at the rate it does today.
Burnout is at an all-time-high and climbing.
Fear of disappointing coaches, parents, and teammates is causing athletes to play it safe.
Injuries have gone up 500% in the last decade.
The amount of young men and women losing passion and quitting college athletics is staggering.
Get The Youth Truth Now
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