The self sabotage pattern – QUIZLET!









Welcome to… the Self Sabotage Pattern QUIZLET

(you know.. like a baby lama quiz – so cute)


Something is holding you back and you know it. You feel it in your achy, breaky bones –  that you are just not living to your potential. You’ve tried all the things, the law of attraction, the self help books, the manifestation guides. And it may work for a little but eventually you fall off the train, onto the tracks, only to lay there like a beached whale waiting for something (or someone) to save you…again.

And so the cycle begins again. What’s going to be different? How long until I fall off the train again or breakout in hives?

So here you are trying to avoid having a flown blown anaphylaxis, throat closing, hive scratching allergy attack. And it ain’t the peanuts honey,  it’s you. You’re allergic to YOURSELF. To your mediocre, boring ass life. 

You’re lethargic, overweight, unhappy, anxious, and depressed. (that’s just HOW the allergy manifests… sort of like those runs you get from gluten. The runs aren’t the actual problem, although they are a nuisance).

When you get those belly cramps, you can treat them to make yourself more comfy on the ceramic throne but you’ll just keep finding yourself squatting on that potty until you treat the underlying CAUSE. The root.

That is precisely what I am going to help you dig for today. So part the velvet curtains, stage minions, the main attraction is about to seductively crawl in from stage left.



Hi 👋

I’m Danna and if you don’t yet know me, now you do. I like my eggs scrambled with a hashbrown, vegan cheese, and sauerkraut. I also eat in the shower (I just found out people think that’s weird). I’m sort of like an ethnographer – I like to research people. Then I come up with (self proclaimed) genius ways of helping them lead sexy lives. When I was 10 I wrote a book about Koalas. Ever since then, I’ve been obsessed with writing (and then surprisingly scary noises Koalas make). 

I am here to help you find the ROOT cause of your self sabotaging pattern. Find the reason WHY you are so goddamn allergic to your current life and HOW to rehabilitate yourself once and for us (I mean all). 


And so, ladies and gents, the main attraction is about to begin. 

I’ve created a fun little quiz for you to get you started. But let’s talk rules. Nah, fuck it, I hate rules – but to get the most out of this quiz, please…

  • Keep an open mind
  • Use your first instinct (this is important!)
  • If you can’t relate to the situation in question, ask yourself WHAT IF
  • If two answers apply, write both. 
  • Score by letter: A, B, C, D on a separate sheet of paper (or phone) 
  • You will not be taken to the results page if you do not enter your info into the form at the bottom of the page!



1.)  (Assume your mother or friend or father or sister is a bit nutty for this question). Your mom calls. You’re in the middle of policing a kid fight, a baby tantrum by  your youngest, and cooking dinner.
You immediately …

A.  Roll your eyes and reluctantly answer the phone. Thinking that if you didn’t, it would be way worse because then you’d have to explain and manage HER tantrum too.

B. Answer immediately. She has no one else she can talk to, or call, or that gets her the way that you do. She would fall apart without you.

C. Think… “Ughhhhh. WTF?? Of course she’s calling right now. Why the fuck wouldn’t she call in the middle of a goddamn disaster? Always!”

D. Think … “Oh good another fucking failure to throw in my face. I can’t even control a child, how the hell am I expected to talk a grown woman off the ledge?”

E. Ahhhh you don’t know what to do. You think and think and try to rationalize. And end up missing the call together.


2.)  You’ve decided to hire a coach to help you work through some trauma that you’ve been carrying around for years. You are finally ready to put your faith in yourself and take life to the next level. Wahoo! The cost is $5,000 and while you know that you and your family can afford it, you also…

A.  Feel guilty. I can’t possibly spend this much money on myself. We wouldn’t be able to go on vacation. And my husband loves those vacations.

B.  Think … “I just won’t tell  my husband. He would be upset and he always gets so moody when we talk about money. It brings up his trauma from childhood and it’s probably better if I just keep this to myself.”

C.  Think … “Ugh. Why does it have to be so much? Why does this always happen to me? I find something that I want but then I can’t afford it or it’s just too hard to accomplish.”

D.  Think .. “Wait, is it worth it? I mean who am I kidding? I’ll never be “better” or be able to heal any of this shit. People don’t change. Fuck it.”

E.  Think to yourself (obsessively) “Should I? Shouldn’t I? What if I can’t do it? What if I DO do it and it changes my life entirely? What if I’m not smart enough. I definitely don’t have the willpower. I don’t know what to do. Is it worth the money?”


3.)  After continuously waking up exhausted as if you’ve run marathons in your sleep, you decide it’s time for some self care. You…

A.  Announce to your husband that you plan to take the day off. Followed by some version of…  “Is that ok honey? If you need me to, I will stay home.” I mean what’s one more day, right?? He typically gets the final say.

B.  Make your husband (or babysitter) a list, show them what to do (and how), prepare the kids emotionally for your departure, and clean the house (ya know…so it’s just easier for him that way).

C.  Think to yourself that you can plan an amazing day off but EVENTUALLY someone will need something and you’ll have to return. Because that’s what always happens. You try to do something nice for yourself and then everything goes to shit. So why even bother.

D.  Quickly talk yourself out of it. It won’t work for 45,690 reasons. Why even put forth the effort?

E.  Can’t decide what you should even do on your day off. You spend so much time thinking and weighing out all of the options that you end up even more exhausted than when you began.


4.) When it comes to the way you make money…

A.   You did what you were supposed to do. Went to college and got a good job, that you basically hate.

B.  Work super hard so that you can support your family as well as your dad, brother, and a few friends (when they need it)

C.  You are too scared to ask for what you want. Either a raise: because you will surely get fired if you “step out of line”. Or to quit because then how would you make money? You’d be poor forever.

D.  You would love to start your own business. But you’re scared you would never make it. It’s too hard in this competitive market. Too much to learn. No time. No money for startup costs. It’s not worth the headache.

E.  You have a job but am looking into a side project for more income streams. However, you have so many ideas that you can’t decide which is the right one to take action on. Which results in … absolutely nothing.


5.)  What may your friends say is one of your best qualities?

A.  Always willing to compromise for the greater good. Even when it’s inconvenient for you. Selfless.

B.  Would give the shirt off their back. Always willing and ready to help a friend in need, at all cost.

C.  It often seems like a little black cloud follows her/him around but they manage to have the strength to keep going. Resilient.

D.  A really nice person under the shyness. Always keeps promises to others.

E.  Very smart, logical. Thinks things through, fully.