Foundations of Qi- Day 5


Beginning Your Journey


Your Personalized Roadmap to Growth

Master teacher (and amazing composer) Jason Campbell walks you through the next steps to putting the pieces together and continuing your journey to optimal health, energy and focus.

Integrating the Practice

Tying it All Together 

Welcome back! Today's lesson is important because we'll talk taking this training forward to continue to build in the profound practice you have begun.

If you have missed any days, or need to go back to repeat them, don't worry. The training will remain up and accessible.

Congratulations on working on the foundational steps: activating the brass bation, using the inner smile and stimulating chi..

Good things don’t happen by accident. As you can already see, learning the centuries old tradition of qigong requires precision. It’s a deliberate practice, but it’s not complicated and the benefits are felt instantly and are long-reaching.

In today’s training, Master Campbell will talk about continuing your journey by uniting the three:

Body - Jing

Energy - Chi

Spirit - Spirit

We intuitively know that we need to seek balance and a roadmap. 

Where there is knowledge there is growth, and where there is growth, there is happiness.

Thank you for taking the time each day throughout this process to invest in your health, energy and spirit.

We look forward to seeing you in the new Sit, Stand, Move class and to connecting with you in the community!

In the comments below please respond to the following question. If you could take the wisdom and experience from everything that you have learned and the energy, creativity and focus you desire what would you most like to do?

Click here to link to day 4 in case you missed it.

Start Sit, Stand, Move Now

50% Complete

Two Step

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